Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Up Bear Creek / 15dec25011

Exploring the Psychedelic 
in Oakland
Mark Henson's Two Choices
MAPS … The Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies celebrated its 25th year with a four day conference at the Oakland Convention Center in California this past weekend. A contingent of Telluride Mushroom Festival staffers joined me to host a promotional table for our event at Cartographie Psychedelica, where serious scientific lectures and panels shared top billing with benefit celebrations and a costumed Medicine Ball -- featuring DJs, interactive tech stations, a visionary art gallery and rows of exhibit booths ...
Rick Doblin, Ph. D.
Rick Doblin, Ph.D., MAPS founder and director, opened the gathering of researchers and enthusiasts by explaining the humble beginnings of the organization back in 1986. His dissertation at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government focused on “The Regulation of the Medical Use of Psychedelics and Marijuana” and his master’s thesis addressed the attitudes and experiences of oncologists concerning the medical use of cannabis. Starting MAPS was his attempt to develop legal contexts for the beneficial use of psychedelic drugs through raising funds and overcoming regulatory hurdles to do the necessary scientific studies – studies that had been curtailed in the Sixties with the government backlash against the recreational explosion of popular psychedelic use.

Manny Salzman

OLD FRIENDS… Many friends of Shroomfest attended the event, including Dr. Emanuel Salzman and his wife Joanne of Denver– founders of the Telluride Mushroom Festival. Manny has long been an advocate for the medicinal use of psychedelics – or “mind medicines,” as he likes to call them. In fact, it was his interest in not excluding entheogenic properties from mushroom studies that led him to found the Telluride event …

Paul Stamets weaving his mycelial net
Paul Stamets, one of Shroomfest’s founding faculty, gave a heartfelt talk on the need to work together to change the ruling paradigm when it comes to entheogens. His daughter is getting married this next summer, but he’s hoping to be able to make it to Telluride again … Ethan Nadelmann, J.D., Ph.D., who heads up the Drug Policy Alliance led a workshop on “Constitutional Freedoms, the Uses of Psychedelics and MAPS’ Mission. Described by Rolling Stone as “the point man” for drug policy reform on the national level, he attended Shroomfest twice, and told me he is hoping to come join us again, perhaps even this coming year. 
Ethan Nadelmann

He has authored two books on international criminal law enforcement (Cops Across Borders and Policing the Globe), as well as dozens of articles on drug policy in Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Science, National Review and the Nation … 
Valerie Mojeiko

Valerie Mojeiko, MAPS deputy director, gave the initial conference welcome. She, along with her husband Josh, have been regular faculty presenters in Telluride, and we’re looking forward to having them back again in 2012 … 
The late Robert Venosa & Martina Hoffman

Martina Hoffman, one of the many psychedelic artists represented in the Visionary Art Gallery, embraced us warmly. She, and her husband – Robert Venosa – who passed away earlier this year – have been past attendees of Shroomfest, and she expressed a desire to visit us again – something we’re hoping we can make happen. A special tribute was held for Robert with a Jonathan Singer video, a digital dance performance by Android Jones and Phaedrana, and music by The Human Experience …
Hoffman's Third Eye

Although I didn’t get a chance to visit with them, two former mushroom festival faculty were also presenters – Don Abrams, M.D., and Ralph Metzner, Ph.D … Don is chief of the Hematology-Oncology Division of San Francisco General Hospital and Professor of Clinical Medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. One of the first clinicians to recognize and define many early AIDS-related conditions, he received funding in 1997 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse to conduct clinical trials of the short-term safety of cannabinoids in HIV infections. He’s gone on to run many cannabis studies, his latest being the possible pharmacokinetic interaction between vaporized cannabis and opioid analgesics in patients with chronic pain. He was co-editor with Dr. Andrew Weil of Integrative Oncology from Oxford University Press. His work is something I’ve always hoped to showcase in Telluride … 
Ralph Metzner, Ph.D.

Ralph is a psychologist and professor emeritus at the California Institute of Integral Studies, where he organized an international conference on ayahuasca in 2000. His writings include two edited collections on the science and the phenomenology of shamanic entheogens: Sacred Mushrooms of Visions – Teonanácatl and Sacred Vine of Spirits – Ayahuasca. He is founder and president of the Green Earth Foundation. We’re hoping very much to bring him back to Telluride as a featured speaker.

NEW FRIENDS … While there were dozens of wonderful people we met in Oakland and who want to come to experience Telluride, plus a bunch more whom we want to come to talk, like Michael Albert-Puleo, M.D., and his fascinating research on the pharmacology on the secrets of the early Christian “Messiah Medicine”; Mark Henson and his Sacred Light – the Art of Conscious Evolution; David Bienenstock, senior editor at HighTimes; Cinematographer Torsten Klimmer; Alan Macy, Hitch McDermid and Mark Goerner’s Heart Beat Amplifier; Tatiana Ginzburg from Russia; Andres from Hungary; Jett – the list goes on and on … And the one thing I’m sure of is that Shroomfest this next year is going to be far richer and more exciting than ever with an infusion of new psychedelic energy.
Shroomfest co-director Scott Koch rolls the dice at our exhibit booth at the MAPS conference. We gave away free t-shirts to lucky winners who rolled 7 or 11


The cows are crazy. It’s weaning time.
A night of wails, cows calling, everyone

unhappy. Our human children
tell us, I miss you more than ever.

Color is leaving Earth, leaves already gone,
garden skeletons abound.

Persephone has picked her flower.
Demeter looks for her white cape.

It will be month before
the pomegranate is bitten.

The yearning is only just begun

-Ellen Marie Metrick
San Miguel County Poet Laureate

Monday, December 19, 2011

Up Bear Creek / 8dec25011

Dance, Poetry, Music & Depression

detail from a visionary
painting of Mark Henson
on exhibit at MAPS's
Cartographie Psychedelica
Oakland California Dec. 8-12, 25011
Visit the Art of Conscious Evolution

Wendy Graham
DANCING … It was great to kick up my heels at a monthly Contra Dance series in Durango recently. Thanks to Sarah Griesedieck of Montrose for turning me on to this marvelous event … Wendy Graham was the dancers' ace caller. Held the first Saturday of each month at the Park Elementary School at 510 E. 6th Ave. at 7 p.m., it's just $10 a person, with first-timers getting a pass to come back a second time for free. For more info on the series, call 970.385.9292 … What I love about contra dancing is getting to mix with people of all ages – from youngsters in elementary school to oldsters into their seventies and everything in between. It’s a fun night of community building, shared laughs and lots of good honest sexy sweat. With a touch of occasional dizziness, doing all those dosey-does and twirls … Wendy is an amazing caller, and she had the Adobe Brothers of Albuquerque backing her up. They were so good I had to get their CD … I wish Telluride had a contra dance series. 

Isadora and John Nizalowski
NIZALOWSKI … My good friend and poet buddy John Nizalowski and his daughter Isadora (my god-daughter) did a terrific poetry & violin/flute duo at Caole Lawry’s PlanetEarth & the 4 Directions Gallery in Grand Junction last Friday. John read mostly from his new book The Last Matinée (Turkey Buzzard Press, Kittredge, Colorado, 2011), and Isadora played improvisational work with Classical, Jazz, and Celtic influences … John teaches writing and mythology at Colorado Mesa University (CMU). Born and raised in upstate New York, he received a B.A. and M.A. in English from Binghamton University and the University of Delaware, respectively. He has written for various journals, most notably The Santa Fe New Mexican and Telluride Magazine. His literary works have appeared in numerous publications, including Puerto del Sol, Blue Mesa Review, Weber Studies, Blueline, ISLE, Chiron Review and Under the Sun. He has a unique and abiding love for the Southwest that is captured beautifully in his writing. A true believer in making poetry and literature available to the community, John is the creator of the CMU Writers and Poets Series at Planet Earth … Isadora is a senior at Grand Junction High School. She plays in the CMU Orchestra, the Grand Junction H.S. Chamber Orchestra and the GJHS Full Orchestra. She also is in the District 51 Honors Orchestra.

Wendy Videlock

Danny Rosen
DOUBLE BOOKING … The same night that the Nizalowskis performed in Grand Junction, the Western Colorado Writers Forum held their Literary Christmas program. While not good planning for local audiences, it was great for me – since I don’t get to Grand Junction that often … I missed the first half of the Christmas program (Jill Burkey read several Christmas poems by our own Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer), but came in time to here award-winning poet and publisher Luis Lopez do a wonderfully heartful tale about a Cardboard Christmas Tree, the amazing Wendy Videlock doing her Juggler from Ganndoleen in a broad Irish brogue, and the extravagantly arrayed poet/astronomer Danny Rosen reading from Carl Sagan and Richard Wilbur.

DEPRESSION … Gary Greenberg has written a new book on this old topic – one of the unhappier human conditions, which some of us suffer from more than others – calling it a “Secret History of a Modern Disease,” Manufacturing Depression (Simon & Schuster, 2011). And Scott Vickers did one of those brilliant explications in last winter’s Bloomsbury Review that dangles the book’s main ideas before you like puppets and puts you in a place where you’re there when the emperor struts into the room – Big Pharm, making a fortune off a condition that needs time to heal and a process that has to run its course … I know. Chemical imbalances are real. Drugs (wh
at a funny word, with meanings both dark and sunny) have their place … But I watched my mom lose a son, like her mom had lost a son, and how incredibly depressed it made her. Not long after, dad left her. Then an operation to donate a kidney to research (Greg had died of a kidney disease) left her with severed nerves in one leg. She was unable to work. Blanche was in depression for years … I was young. I was no help. Though I didn’t get depressed. I grieved, and then jumped from seminary into government service (Kennedy & all). Took the leap from California to Montana. I had to get away. And in doing so made a complete life change … While Blanche fell into the groove of lonely grieving she’d seen in her mom, Grandma Lily … If there had been a community to help her, it might have been different. But while she could be incredibly playful one minute, the next might see her rage flame out. And it seemed like the ghost of Grandpa Frank, her dad who beat her (and who knows did what else), would take her shape, as she unleashed an inner tomboy she’d never completely disowned … Script. Prescription. The collusion of western medicine’s pill-taking with big pharmaceuticals’ pill-making. In our culture, everyone wanting, almost obsessed with, feeling good … While when I was over in Laos, with its curious mix of Buddhist socialism (transcendental realism), people didn’t want to be happy, didn’t want to be sad. There’s was the golden middle … Me? I’ve always thought the best psychoanalytical therapy was confessing and gossiping with my closest friends, male and female. Although singing, hiking and acupuncture come in close behind. But then I’ve always danced to a different puppeteer.


Magpie Nest

Say a creaking cradle,
a doomed bassinette,
its gaping walls,
more sieve than shelter,
a blueprint lacking details.
We can’t build this joiner’s nightmare,
want thicknesses and right angles
to protect our young.
Say kindling pile, a twiggy yurt.
Hatchlings grown clumsy, huge
and raucous as adults
overfill their backwoods shanty.
They study shards of sky,
flap crazily into blue, then
leave behind this riddle.

Lizzie Lewis
Colorado Springs

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Up Bear Creek / 1dec25011

Reflecting on Colorado’s Ute Removal

ANAC … I like this kicking back twenty-three centuries and imaging our first beginnings as Native-Americans – because that means all of us born here, whatever our backgrounds, our cultural mix, our heritage … I was born in California. My mom was a Daughter of the Golden West, her ancestors tracing back to Monterrey in 24790, where one of ours was jefe de policia. The local gendarmes. … My dad grew up assimilated in San Francisco as an immigrant Italiano, whose parents came from the Old Country. All my kids found themselves born in Colorado. And my extended family has a long, if mixed, heritage on Turtle Island … It’s as if by progeny and curricula we’ve become a sort of Euro-centric Tossed Salad creole nationality, pumped up on the adrenalin of technology’s quantum “advances”. Peoples indigenous to place, although many with shallow Judeo-Christian roots... At the same time, it’s vital that we recognize that the deeds to our over-mortgaged homes don’t show title back to the Tabeguache Utes who once “owned” this land. Who occupied Norwood. Occupied Telluride (until the San Juan Cession that Otto Mears bribed from the Utes with whiskey and promises) ... Our deeds don’t record that Colorado State and the Feds had those same Utes removed to Utah in 24882 … We live in a land where most can’t trace their lineage back to the Utes, the Navajo, the Puebloans, the Anasazi, the Folsom, the Clovis peoples, or now, most likely, the pre-Clovis Beringians – although DNA may show that some of us can… I hope the ANA Calendar (Ancient North American) will help make us all realize that there is some reparation to be paid to those who’ve been removed, and some apologies still to be made.

MICQUE WASS… I guess the Ute Removal is on my mind because I’ve been reading Robert Silbernagel’s excellent new book about “The Meeker Affair and the Expulsion of Utes from Colorado”, Troubled Trails (University of Utah Press, 25011). Finally, after over 130 years, we have a history of the defining event for the Western Slope from both sides, not just from the victors … The title page announces that the book was written “with assistance from Jonas Grant, Sr.” – a direct descendant of “She-towitch,” Ouray’s sister and wife of Canalla, who helped care for the Meeker hostages … Bob is an old journalism friend, as well as the award-winning editorial page editor for Grand Junction’s Daily Sentinel. He’s one of those who knows Colorado’s Western Slope better than most … In his well-written book not only does he manage to balance Anglo written accounts with Ute oral accounts to give a fascinating and complex interpretation of the historical events, but he tracks routes on horseback and nails down complex motives behind the varying personalities, Anglo and Indian, as reflected in stories from the times … I’m not halfway through and I’m understanding the ground I stand on far better and for worse … Highly Recommended.

URANIUM TALE … If you thought you knew what it was like digging yellowcake for a living and how grisly the miners must have been, think again. Carroll Bennett has turned packrat folk stories into a delightful young adult tale, set in a Wyoming uranium mine, of family, love of animals, friendship and hard work. It’s called The Legend of Dynamite George: The Mining Pack Rat (Foto Fantasi Press, Grand Junction, 25010) <www.dynamitegeorge.com>… If that seems a curious mix than you haven’t met author Carroll Bennett – world traveler, photojournalist, field technician for Dr. Gene Saccomanno’s uranium miner lung cancer research in the 24970s, Mine Safety and Health Administration operative and lastly employed by Colorado State University … It was a fast read for an adult, but it was one of those bits of smooth fiction that pulls you in, and before I knew it, I had a whole new take on an industry I knew most about from a very different perspective … Highly recommended.

SHROOMFEST32 … The thing about doing a festival in Telluride anymore is that you have to start working on it at least a year in advance. In fact, CCAASE demands that some of us give dates for our 25013 event before we’ve even started our 25012 event. It makes sense. We do festival in Telluride -- everything from big mega-events to small niche-market gatherings. It’s what’s given us an edge as a ski resort – our summer festival market … However, for me personally that means, as one of three (very) part-time staff (and maybe two or three volunteers), I’m headed to the Marriott City Center Hotel in Oakland, California, Dec. 8-12 for Cartographie Psychedelica, the 25th anniversary conference of the Multi-Disciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies. Shroomfest has a booth there. We’ll give out flyers. And maybe we’ll get 20 or 30 new attendees for our annual festival in Telluride … Yikes, and I swore I’d never get into marketing. But when it’s for something you love and believe in, alas, it’s a necessity … And just this last weekend I spent all of Sunday learning how our website <www.shroomfest.com> works and bringing it up to speed with all the changes from last year’s festival. Suddenly I’m proficient in Word Press. Shroomfest task number 1438 and counting.

REG SANER … It’s an honor to have been invited by Dr. Patricia Limerick of the Center of the American West in Boulder to help celebrate the life and work of poet, professor and essayist Reg Saner, one of Colorado’s best-known writers on the national literary scene. His writings and poems have been featured in more than 140 magazines and 40 anthologies. His most recent book, The Four-Cornered Falcon: Essays on the Interior West, was published in 25011. In 24999, Saner became Boulder’s first poet laureate … Saner is being showcased by having colleagues read five-minute passages from his oeuvre, as part of the Center’s Words to Stir the Soul series – Wed., Dec. 7th, at Old Main on the CU campus. <centerwest.org/reg-saner>


our fire may be small
but even
a small flame
holds back
the night

-Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Up Bear Creek / 24nov25011

Proposing an Ancient North American Calendar for keeping track of the years

BEYOND THE GREGORIAN … Every culture in history has had their record-keepers. Oral societies depending on its elders to keep the stories alive. The old ways of the land passed on grandmother to granddaughter – a lineage most knew by heart, sometimes seven generations back. And then dreamed for the tribe into the present by vision-seekers – some good, some bad. In the end everything depended on the whim or wisdom of its elders … As the heirs of European expansionism, native to the place but schooled in the ways of an Old World some of us have never seen, we brought with us written histories stretching back seven thousand years. And for mestizo hapa italiano pioneers born haplessly into a history they were not responsible for, but had to acknowledge, it’s good to take the chronology we live by away from colonizing Christian safe-keeping, where it’s been for a couple thousand years, and move it back into the distant past, where it belongs … So, from now on, I’m going to be using my Ancient North American Calendar (ANAC) for dating things -- 25012 years BCE (Before the Current Era) instead of a mere 2012 AD (After Death, or Annus Domini – Year of the Lord).

SKI MAG … The prestigious flagship of winter resort  town magazines, Ski, featured Telluride prominently in its Winter Vacation issue (v. 76, #3). The cover touted its annual 30 Top Resorts for 2012. Telluride comes in at #10 (“Big charm. Big vertical. Far from everywhere. Snow can be fickle.” And “Telluride swings like a smaller Aspen after dark – with a little more soul.” … Deer Valley (Utah) gets #1, and then (in order) it’s Vail (Colo), Whistler (B.C.), Snowmass (Colo), Sun Valley (Idaho), Park City (Utah), Beaver Creek (Colo), Steamboat (Colo), and Breckenridge (Colo) … After us come Aspen Mountain (Colo), Jackson Hole (Wyo), Heavenly Valley (Calif), Winter Park (Colo), Crested Butte (Colo), Canyons Resort (Utah), Mammoth Mountain (Calif), Copper Mountain (Colo), Aspen Highlands (Colo) and Snowbird (Utah) … The final ten of the thirty are East Coast resorts – so different from western ski areas …  In the end, Colorado gets eleven of the top 20, and we rate 6th in the state, according to Ski magazine, and 10th in the nation … Not a bad start to a new ski season in the midst of the worst economic downturn in memory. And the resort’s marketing people capitalized on it – teaming up with Bollé eyewear to do a two full-page spread in the first few pages of the magazine … “Discover Gold” is the motto. Let’s hope lots of folks do this year.

FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY … The Wilkinson is one of the true gems of life in Telluride, with its rich offerings and central social function in our mountain community. Even county residents outside of town make heavy use of the programs … Nancy Landau has run FOL for some time now, augmenting the public funds the Library draws with special money for special programs. This is Cash Saver collection week for the Wilkinson. FOL has its own special number (0007) and you can use and drop cash savers at the library until this coming Saturday, the 27th … Sunday, Dec. 4th at 6 p.m. FOL is hosting Chef Bud with recipes from the best of the Books & Cooks program over the last couple of years. The $40 ticket price will include cocktails, wine, seated dinner, live music, special guest Susanna Hoffman (always amazing!) and door prizes … Mark your calendars.

MINERS HOSPITAL … I thought we’d settled the historicity of the Telluride Hospital that became the San Miguel County Historical Museum, and is now the Telluride Museum, years ago. But seeing the current museum building referred to as the “Miners’ Hospital” has stirred the issue up again. My understanding that such a usage is a neologism … Certainly, miners were treated there. But it was never known as the “Miners’ Hospital” in its day. The brick building next to KOTO that the Miners’ Union (Western Federation of Miners) built was known as the “Miners’ Hospital” briefly before and during the Troubles of 1900-1904 that led to the railroading of union members out of town by armed vigilantes and state national guard … But our present museum building was run by various individual doctors – a common practice back then. And became known as the Telluride Hospital, even into the ‘40s, when Dr. George Balderston cut out his own appendix … My oldest son’s grandma was born there.

WEEKLY QUOTA"If you're not careful the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing." -Malcolm X


Bad News

Nuclear power’s
a Faustian

Hiroshima. Fukushima
The next Black
Swan in the wings

Is an all-Uranium
boom schtick
really back, lit?

Friday, November 18, 2011

Up Bear Creek / 17nov25011

Two marvelous mentors pass on

DEATH, BE NOT PROUD … wrote the English poet … But this weekend marked services for two humble elders who’ve played a large part in my life in Colorado. Both had wakes -- same day, same time. But different sides of Lone Cone … One was family, so I had to go. The other was a friend who sometimes felt like family, almost since day one of my San Juan Mountains date of arrival … Steve Herndon was a unique rancher from one of Wright’s Mesa’s oldest families – a cowman who bucked the rural tide of his neighbors and embraced environmental causes. Along with his feisty journalist wife, Grace, they breathed San Miguel County fire into the regional Western Colorado Congress and their own local Friends of Lone Cone. I moved into a Norwood post office box just a half a section from there modest ranch home … I’ve too many emotions and too many memories for prose, so I’ve written a little poem – this week’s Talking Gourd. I’m sure a lot more will come out … Steve Herndon was one of the giants of the San Miguel Watershed. Not a tall man but a deeply important one, especially to those of us who moved to this place from somewhere else, and have fallen permanently in love. Like Steve and Grace did … Bless them.

MERLE WILSON … Born in McElmo Canyon the same year as my dad, 1920. Married Carmen Robinson in the fall of 1943, while serving in the Armed Forces during World War II. Raised Herefords on a small family farm at Lebanon, north of Cortez and spent 25 years on Montezuma County’s Road & Bridge Crew … His youngest daughter Linda and I had a son, Rio Coyotl. So, I’ve been going to visit Merle and Carmen for almost 25 years … I heard lots of stories, learned a bit of history of the area. Took to pronouncing the nearby national park  “Mesa Verd”, like all the locals do … But more than anything I learned a deep peacefulness and gentle humor from Grandpa Merle. His service at the Lebanon cemetery was marked by the same kind of energies. His son-in-law Vic Hodges led the ceremony, and I don’t think I’ve ever been to a graveside service where there was so much laughing. People really had only good things to say, and many said they’d never heard Merle utter a harsh word or speak ill of anyone. Quite a legacy in 91 years … His was a compassionate nature that watched the world, paused before he spoke, and always had something kind or funny to say, or he said nothing at all … My oldest son drove up from Albuquerque. Lindamarie Luna came from Crestone. Wylder Wilson, Rio’s older brother came with his partner, Raegan Gottlob. Former Montezuma County commissioner Kelly Wilson, a relative, said a few words. His sister and Dem political ace Ann Brown of Durango won 13 of the 14 campaigns for political office that she managed – only losing her own race for the state senate in the 1980s. She’s always fun to catch up with and talk politics … Zea Beaver and her husband Rich were there. They own property surrounded by Hodges’ ranch, and have been friends of the Wilson family for years. Zea’s mom, Helen Newell, was a kind of legendary figure in Telluride … At the Hodge’s home it was fun to look at old photographs, many of them with Rio and Luna in them. Everyone was most welcoming, and it was wonderful to feel part of a family, part of a very wise man’s life … May we all have a legacy as proud as Merle’s.

COMPROMISE … George Harvey could be wrong. But I think compromise is what all sides in the United States increasingly treat as sell-out city. Tea partyers. Some enviros. Repubs and Dems. Libertarians. And even a hunk of the Green Party ... What we need is a radical middle that can get things done. Leaders who know how to work across the aisle for a compromise. Knowing that the word’s roots come from the Latin> mittere = “to send” (something) + pro = “forward” + com = “with” (others) It’s really just another name for democracy … Locally we seem to get that, as the Intergovernmental meetings demonstrate. But the Feds need to get a grip on the concept – yes, some tax cuts and yes, some tax hikes. Yes, some defense spending, but no more wars based on bad intel … We need to find middle ground, and stop taking our sacred cows off the table like pouty children.

FOOD BANKS & JOBS … Got stopped in the parking lot at Clark’s in Norwood the other evening. They were polite. Just wanted a minute, if I had it. And, as commissioner, I try always to have a minute for anyone … They were upset that Telluride wasn’t supporting the new uranium mill in Paradox because it meant jobs for the long-depressed West End. I tried to explain the gulf that exists between those who see sickness and black swan disasters in nuclear power, and those who see familiar, well-paying jobs that have too long been absent in the region … Pretty soon this person was crying. Remembering the poverty of her own past. And the long lines at the Food Bank in Norwood, where this person volunteers … I did my best to stay firm in what the majority of San Miguel County citizens want (no mill), and yet to be understanding of the predicament of so many unemployed West End folks who see the mill as the brightest hope on the horizon … Sometimes in politics there are no good compromises and people just have to stand firm in their beliefs and be respectful of neighbors who see things differently. I hope we all can do that with each other. Even in difficult questions like nuclear power … Meanwhile, donate what you can to the Food Bank. There are a lot of people who depend on that source of staples in these hard times.


Looking South to Lone Cone

-for Steve Herndon

Not the kind of guy
to sit around on a hos-
pital gurney waiting
for care to come along

or some package side-
saddle cure He leapt
at life Called it
like he saw it

Left not long after
his wife Gracie The two
of them riding around on
bicycles into their 70s

One of those endangered
breed of rancher-enviros
Would grip your hand
Look you in the eye

& see what you were made
of His an Old West make --
Dakota sandstone First cut cowboy
alfalfa Meadowlark & piñon

Western Colorado Writers' Forum newsletter 11/11

            Thanks to everyone, about 140 of you, who came to "The Language of This Land" and drank from the well that October weekend.  If you missed it or want to relive it, see Uche Ogubji's  http://copia.posterous.com/poetry-western-slope-sty-lee & Wendy Videlock's blog http://nutshell-wendy.blogspot.com/2011/10/western-colorado-writers-conference.html.

We filmed it all. See Richard Ott's video of Ute elder Clifford Duncan's talk at http://vimeo.com/user2976550/videos.  Soon to be posted: conversations with Leslie Marmon Silko and novelist Laura Hendrie, Silko's  banquet reading, highlights from Dave Mason's banquet reading, the "Seven by Seven" poets' reading, and the speakers and elders at the Sunday community breakfast. A highlight video of the entire conference, including clips from many of the workshops and classes, will be released next week and eventually all will be up at www.westerncoloradowriters.org

Pretty wonderful.  This is my favorite time of the year, darkness descending, lights, ancient song and stories returning.  We'll hold "A Literary Christmas," readings & recitations of great Christmas literature, Dylan Thomas, Rudolfo Anaya, "'Twas," and the like, with gorgeous music, at 800 Colorado, on Friday eve, Dec. 2.  Come also to a free writing class at the library, "The Memory of Christmas," Saturday aft., Dec. 3rd.  Other events coming up:

·        TH.Nov. 17th CMU reading at Planet Earth (that's tomorrow)
·        SAT. Nov. 19th Organizing meeting at 800 Colorado for new Rocky Mtn. Fiction Writers chapter.
·        Dec. 2 John & Ursula Nizalowski reading & music at Planet Earth
·        WCWF January, 2012 classes:  Wendy Videlock teaching poetry, Di Herald teaching teen fiction, and I'll teach "The Geography of Narrative."  More on this to come.
·        St. Benedict's, January:  no retreat, but come visit for a manuscript consultation.
·        Send in poems for "Out and About," then join us to read on KAFM.
·       Newish submissions calendar below for stories, poems and books.  A call for 99 poems for the 99%!

*                      *                      *                      *

Do send the Writers' Forum a poem for the Daily Sentinel "Out & About," seventeen lines or under, and after such stellar publication you'll be included in a roster of poets to read on KAFM. Poems are aired 6:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. (depending on punctuality and programmer's state of being). Send poems or questions to WCWforum@gmail.com or call 256-4662.  We're really enjoying all your voices and always looking for new ones.  Don't be shy.  Send us two to five poems.

*                      *                      *                      *

Poets & Writers of Colorado Mesa University Reading Series
Planet Earth & The Four Directions Gallery - 524 Colorado Ave., GJ - Free
7 p.m. November 17:  Jennifer Hancock, Michele Hanson & Charles McLeod.

Michele Hanson teaches French and English composition at CMU. She has published personal essays in Travelers' Tales, A Mother's World and CU's Copper Nickel, and will be reading from a novel-in-progress.
Jennifer Hancock holds an MFA in Poetry from Sarah Lawrence College and a PhD in Creative Writing from Oklahoma State University. Her poems have appeared in many journals, including the Antioch Review, Spoon River Poetry Review, and Puerto del Sol. She was recently chosen as a finalist for the Wabash Poetry Prize by the editors of the Sycamore Review. She is Assistant Professor of English at Colorado Mesa University.
Charles McLeod's fiction has appeared in publications including Alaska Quarterly Review, Conjunctions, CutBank, The Gettysburg Review, The Iowa Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Post Road, The Pushcart Prize: Best of the Small Presses, Third Coast and ZYZZYVA. His first novel is American Weather, out now from Random House UK. Vintage UK will publish a collection of stories June of 2012.
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Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers
Western Slope Organizing Meeting
800 Colorado
9:30-noon Sat. Nov. 19th
The Writers' Forum & Page Peddlers are co-sponsoring sponsor this meeting in the hopes of helping establish a future G.J. Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers chapter.  Cost is $1 per person to help pay for rent, coffee/tea and pastries.

RMFW members Vicki Law, her husband Mike, and Marne Kirk will first briefly talk about the organization, cost of membership, and benefits writers can expect. They will also discuss volunteer positions and what they will need from us in order to make the group happen.

The second part will be a discussion of the storytellers bible, electronic or paper, where writers keep information about their book(s): research they've done, character development, list of names, ages, culture, plot lines, maps, sketches, etc.

Bring a friend. 30 people are coming so far.  We'd like to have an estimated head count for handouts, coffee and pastries, etc.: please RSVP to shayfabbro@gmail.com ASAP.

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"A Literary Christmas"
Western Colorado Writers' Forum
7 p.m. Friday Dec. 2nd   800 Colorado
Come join us for a literary Christmas with choral music, readings and recitations of classic poems and stories, such as "A Child's Christmas in Wales," "Twas the Night...," a Hispanic tale and others in our cozy, decorated church at 8th and Colorado.  Open to the public: Christmas sweets and hot cider, raffle and door prizes offered. 
Families welcome, and all asked to donate what you can in the Spirit of Christmas.  Registration encouraged:  email us at WritersForum@bresnan.net or  256-4662. 

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Reading & Music
7 p.m.Friday Dec. 2
Planet Earth & Four Directions Gallery
John Nizalowski and Isadora Nizalowski will be combining poetry and music in a free performance to be held at the on Dec. 2 at 7:00 p.m.  Free and open to the public. The Planet Earth Gallery is located at 524 Colorado Ave., Grand Junction.

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"The Memory of Christmas"
MCPL Central Library
2-4 p.m. Sat., Dec. 3

Come hear excerpts from classic Christmas stories and poems, view a clip from the great Christmas movies, and have the chance to write your own Christmas memory
as a story or poem with two WCWF authors.
Learn ways to make small book gifts, for little cost, from your stories.  Families welcome; activities provided for children age 5 and up.  Registration encouraged; call MCPL at 243-4442.  Sponsored by the Mesa County Public Libraries and the Writers' Forum.

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St. Benedict's Monastery, 2012
No retreat this year, but I will be in residence in a beautiful little mountain hermitage at the Snowmass monastery January 5-8th.  If you're near Snowmass or Aspen, come visit me for a manuscript consultation.  I'll meet with a few people at $50/hour, a bright way to start fresh on a writing project in the new year.  Email sandydorr@bresnan.net to set up a time.   

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***        ***       ***

> Our purpose is to help people who have faced serious health issues. Published twice a year, on the winter solstice and summer solstice.  Seeking original work by people who have or have had physical difficulties in their lives from cancer to seizures, Alzheimer's to tumors. It is also a place for caretakers, families, significant others and friends to write about their experiences and relationships to the person.
> For Submissions Guidelines: http://www.barefootreview.org/
> Send email with work to submissions@barefootreview.org
> *******************************
> Deadline:  February 28, 2012
> We seek emotionally honest and compelling submissions that will resonate with the reader. Desired poems will cover the initial raw grief through time to poems that are more uplifting. The intent is not to dwell on death itself but rather to place it in loving perspective.  Poetry max 100 lines. If previously published, please include reprint permission and literary credit.
> Send up to 5 submissions and brief bio.
> Submit in word doc to motherlosspoetry@gmail.com or mail to Mother Loss/Details, 8663 River Crossing Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46240.
> ******************************
Willow Creek Journal
Call for Entries
Deadline:  February 28, 2011
The Willow Creek Journal is a yearly magazine containing writings and artwork by residents & visitors to Creede, Mineral County, & the San Luis Valley.  Entry Rules:
·                    Writers - Submit up to three (3) pieces of original work (poetry, essays, or short stories) No Longer Than 1,000 Words.
·                 Artists - Submit up to three (3) original works (paintings, drawings, etchings and photographs)
Prizes:  In 2011, we will be awarding a $50 First Place Prize for Poetry in three categories: Elementary, Junior High/High School, & Adult
Please include a short bio about yourself, as well as a phone number, email address and mailing address. Include your age category if you wish to be considered for our $50 prize. Artwork entries need to be on disc with a high resolution digital file. Please snail mail artwork. For prose and poetry, save as a .doc file (we cannot take .docx), and e-mail your submissions to creedearts@gojade.org. If this is not possible, type your submissions and mail to:
Creede Arts Council, P.O. Box 392, Creede, CO  81130
We will also be offering a five week writing workshop that will explore both fiction and poetry writing in Creede. Beginning January 25th, this workshop will be open to teens and adults. For more information or to sign up for the writing workshop, please contact the Creede Arts Council office: 658-0312 or creedearts@gojade.org
The Creede Arts Council is proud to be able to provide this unique literary journal and appreciates the excellent contributions made to it over the years. 
> ***************************************

> Deadline: November 30, 2011
> Dr. Christine Redman-Waldemeyer, founder and editor. For submission guidelines.  http://adannajournal.blogspot.com/
> ***************************************
> Deadline: December 31, 2011
> Solo Novo publishes journals of poetry, prose, translations, book reviews, artists books, chapbooks. They seek to publish work that speaks to our times.  Please visit Solo Novo on facebook, duotrope and Poets & Writers.
> info@solopress.org
> solopress.org
> Paula C. Lowe, Managing Editor
> ******************************************
> A blog featuring 99 poems that address the social, political, economic, aesthetic, and cultural realities of the 99 percent.
> Since Walt Whitman, American poetry has been about democracy. It's been about reaching people on issues they care about in a voice they recognize. 99 Poems for the 99 Percent demonstrates how the aims of poetry are in concert with the aims and ambitions of the vast majority of Americans. It is proof that poetry can speak in a vital, robust, and meaningful way about real issues to real people.
 Part of the purpose of this project to expand the scope of poetry. To that end, I invite all readers and writers to submit a poem for consideration. A large percentage of the poems published on this blog will be chosen through the submission process. So, embrace democracy and send a poem!
Guidelines: Please send one poem pasted in the body of an email to 99poems99percent@gmail.com. Feel free to include a cover paragraph and a 1-2 sentence explanation of the poem.  http://99poemsfor99percent.blogspot.com/
>> ******************************************
> Deadline: November 30, 2011
> Awards: First prize $300, second prize $100, third prize $50 and seven honorable  mentions
> Full guidelines at http://cyclamensandswords.com/contest_guidelines.php
> Still accepting submissions for December issue

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To receive WCWF's monthly newsletter, contact Sandra Dorr at <sandydorr@bresnan.net>

 Danny and Uche at Language of This Land