Winter of our Discontent
Expected snow
but their band of flakes
a no-show
No surprise
This dosey-doe
of cloudless skies
Drumbeat of tax cuts
border wars, coal scat
& plutonium futures
Itki’s undanceable
An off-key bully boast
Itki's care frozen mid-step
Wisdom in flaming absence
Let’s face the facts, we’re furious
Time for manifesting anger
that makes the floor shake
Calls us out
to act on
our thwarted socialismo values
Mad as shaggy manes
busting up
through the White House lawn
Disgust pushes us
onto the Beltway dancefloor
for a little Aztec
A tarantella of protests
where outside action comes from
an inside movement
Outrage that won't stay put
Though, as one Ish Nation poet scribed
putting a hopeful spin to the story
In every good tango
there’s a step backwards
Nevertheless, McRedeye sez
no time for tip-toeing
This ain’t no ballet
Best be joining
hands & yes yes
jumping into the mosh pit