Trying to
gauge forest conditions pre-settlement
UNCOMPAHGRE PARTNERSHIP… That’s the new name for the Uncompahgre Project –
a spinoff of the Public Land Partnership meetings of years ago. But UP has
grown and flourished while PLP seems to have faded to a shadow of its old self.
I always liked to call PLP a table of trust, and it’s where a lot of us in the
region learned to trust each other – regardless of our different perspectives,
values and beliefs. But maintaining a “discussion group” is hard, while
focusing around real projects keeps people involved … Last week I visited one
of the many projects that UP has been involved with. Well, actually, I was
invited by Dr. Dan Binkley and Dr. Bill Romme – two professors who’ve been
extremely helpful with the Burn Canyon Project and so many other forest health
initiatives in this region. They stopped by Cloud Acre for a brief visit, and
suggested Gorio and I come join a field trip barbeque UP was hosting at the 25
Mile Mesa
Ranger Cabin. Bill even drew me a detailed map … So, Gorio and I drove over the
plateau and down the Delta-Nucla Road to the site last Fricay (after a brief
high-centering of my backcountry-unfit Honda Civic and a rescue by the good Jim
Free) … Besides visiting with lots of old friends who’ve been involved in
public land issues for the last couple decades, including Andrea Robinsong,
Colleen Trout and Leigh Robertson, I learned what the volunteer crew of 40-50
folks were up to. It’s what they called “forensic forestry”. They are measuring
old stumps and downed logs and, by various methods, determining the size and
age of these ancient giants, and how they were distributed over the landscape.
Bill and Dan want to get a handle on what pre-settlement conditions were like
several hundred years ago. It’s hard to bring a forest back to a healthy
condition, unless you know what things were like before the agencies started
preventing all fires – which served to increase forest density and its vulnerability
to disastrous crown fires, especially among Ponderosa Pine … That UP was
sponsoring the work was telling. It’s become a focal point for many wonderful
collaborative projects in the region. Check out their website on-line and
consider getting involved:
… Had a great time visiting with my friend and mountain bard from the Front Range, Michael Adams. We traded poem performances
at Two Candles. Hiked up Dolores Peak from Woods Lake, tracked an intermittent
stream in Busted Arm Draw, and scoured the rim of the San Miguel Canyon ACEC
(BLM’s Area of Critical Environmental Concern), keeping an eye out for mountain
lion … Check this week’s Talking Gourd with one of Mike’s workings from Han
Shan’s Cold Mountain poems – a kind of conversation between the ancient sage
and a cancer survivor. The kind Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer has with Rumi in her latest
book. Mike’s book is If You Can Still
Dance With It: Stone Belly & Cold Mountain (Turkey Buzzard Press, Colorado, 2012). Highly
AFFIRMATION DAY … Constituents have asked me how I feel about the proposal by some
Nucla folks to celebrate the Constitution with a new holiday. Certainly, we
have lots of reasons to celebrate the U.S. Constitution that’s given this
country’s people so many freedoms and such prosperity over the last 200 years …
It’s probably also a good idea to reflect on the things that our Founding
Fathers got right and the things they didn’t. We’ve come a long way from
restricting the right to vote to Anglo-Saxon men of property, and that’s a good
thing. But it doesn’t hurt to review what our political system is based on, and
how far we may have strayed from some of the essential rights and
responsibilities, explicit and inferred, in the nation’s founding document.
… The outrage expressed by the Colorado Dept. of Health and Environment a month
or so back when DOE officials questioned the failure of the state to hold
adequate public hearings on the uranium mill license in Montrose County seems
pretty spurious now, after the recent ruling in Denver District Court. Clearly
the state didn’t do the job they contracted with DOE to do. Gov. Hickenlooper
ought to take note. If the Democrats are going to join the Republicans in
promoting nuclear power, they can’t cut corners and ignore federal
requirements, even if Colorado has assumed
uranium licensing authority within its boundaries … Kudos to Sheep Mountain,
the Town of Telluride and the Town of Ophir for holding the
state’s feet to the fire. When a state agency in the executive branch fails to
allow a mandatory public hearing and gets called on it by the judicial branch, you
know somebody’s fast-tracking a proposal. Under our U.S. Constitution, the
public has a right to know what private industry and local government are
pushing through the process.
I’ve climbed ten thousand
rafted the wild frothy waters
of a thousand rivers
I used to laugh at winter’s
frigid blasts
Do your worst, I’d bellow
into the storm
How could I ever have guessed
that one day I’d huddle
in front of the fire
in slippers and heavy robe
at the first hint of frost?