Saturday, February 2, 2013

Up Bear Creek / 24j13i2 / Tamiflu to the Rescue

Sad Things by Diego Kricek Fontanive

It didn’t seem like a big deal. Gorio was home sick last Monday [Jan. 14th] with a headache, bit of a sore throat, cough (but no fever). And then Tuesday. But when it stretched into Wednesday, I took him to the clinic. And glad I did, because he tested positive for the flu … 

Both of us got Tamiflu pills (for which Don at the Apothecary Shoppe in Nucla saved us mucho dinero, as those little drug cures cost a pretty penny). And we stayed home all week. Him in bed, and me sorting through Mary’s things and being caretaker single dad. Lots of chores at Cloud Acre – wood heat means hauling logs from the shed to the stove and keeping the fire banked and burning, hauling water, preparing meals, washing dishes, shoveling snow -- the list of rural Wright’s Mesa what-to-do’s goes on a spell … 

I did get Saturday off to visit friends up from Shiprock for a dip in the pool at Ouray. But missed Sunday’s 49er game, which was tempting (especially as I love it when they win – Giants in the World Series and now the Niners in the Super Bowl – what a year for the Bay Area!) … Friday there was this dinner party in Telluride, but Gorio and I watched movies, played games, stayed up late and slept late … 

Sometimes being sick is the only way to slow the world down and sleep a lot.

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