Sunday, September 18, 2022

Goodbye Laurie James

Photo by Wendy Videlock

Ma Tana

Laurie James (1947-2022)

The last time I stopped at your Salida digs
jonesing for a Ma Tana hug
you were gone

As you are now
in a hospital’s ICU

Even as Dano, Wends & I made plans
for a lightning nomad poets’ lark
to hug & help you off into
that mystery 
that’s coming for us too

Denied a face-to-face
we can only call you up
in our dark hearts bright minds

A fearless gentle cantankerous kind
of mountain goddess
we held dear

Hold even dearer now
in death’s embrace



  1. She would always be gone too soon.

  2. Ah, condolences. RIP

  3. A sturdy steady force of nature, Laurie.
    Such a gaping chasm, never-to-be-filled, left by her absence.


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