Sunday, May 21, 2023


John Mansfield and Art Goodtimes after taping a KOTO-FM
radio interview at the media room in the Norwood Public School, 2019
[Photo by Cara Pallone]

Whitewater ... Coming back to San Miguel County where he'd made his home. Didn't feel good. Something wrong. Pulled over in time. Not crashing. Hands on the wheel. Expired. Samaritans lifted him out of the car. Laid him by the road. Tried CPR. Nothing ... Couple months before he'd found his Mesa Rose coffee club buddy, Charlie, face-down on the ice where alone he'd slipped, carrying firewood. Six hours. Neck broken. Unable to reach the phone. His lifeline since his wife had died. Hypothermic. Frost-bit. Hospitalized. Transferred. Nothing leftHe died.  ... My last email to John asking about Charlie's memorial. Celebration of Life. The wake of his passing from our lives ... Now John too. Gone ... His wry smiling zen eye on the day's promenade. "Hello," we call to each other, lost in our meanders, shuffling by. Waving. All of itki, passing. Pastiche of time & place. Interwoven fabric. Needle & thread. Rapids around the bend & then calm. And the slow deep pull of memory's currents.



  1. Oh, Artfull, yes, yes. I love the river at the end. Eddy out. Slow water.

    1. Just heard Mike Rozycki's account of rafting the Grand Canyon. Seems like the best metaphor for our lives...

  2. So sorry for your loss of John. Your words are heartfelt.

  3. Such real and beautiful things you say about John and your relationship

  4. Always in the flow, so many loves come and then they go...the heart grows wider at the delta...Love you, T

    1. Rosemerry's dazzling new book, All the Honey, talks about how our hearts grow wider at the delta of joy & grief.

  5. Ah, another soul moves along. A tear in my eye...

    1. A tear in the eye and a zen smile in the heart

  6. and we get to bounce around in the eddies

  7. A tear in my eye as well. He pulled over, not a crash. Metaphor for a peaceful passage, a choice perhaps. Sending love to you, my friend.


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