Well, I keep chipping away at my energy
consumption piggyness. My latest San Miguel Power bill for December at my
ramshackle Cloud Acre home in Norwood shows a total kilowatt hour (kWh) usage
for the past 12 months of 6,708 kWh, with a monthly average of 519 kWh
down from a total usage calculated in February of last year at 10,580 kWh, with
a monthly average of 881 kWh
Compare that to my December bill two years ago
of 11,452 kWh and a monthly average of 954 kWh, and finally to my bill for
August three years ago when I had a whopping total yearly usage of 16,118 kWh
and a monthly average of 1,343 kWh
Getting conscious of my energy use and
working to reduce it, I’ve been able in three years to cut my energy guzzling
by more than half. Imagine the carbon footprint savings we’d have if everyone
in the county could start getting energy conscious?