Tracking the lyric valuables in the shadow of Lone Cone on Colorado's Western Slope
Friday, January 14, 2022
Thursday, January 13, 2022
In Praise of Robert Bly
One of the great American poets of my generation has passed. Those of us who came of age in the Sixties had a poetry hero in Robert Bly. By the time I was writing poetry in the San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, I'd found the Sixties lit mag of translations that had begun in the Fifties. And I was hooked. Leaping poetry. Itki made so much sense!
Then I went back and found old copies of The Fifties. I began to realize there was a vast world of poetry beyond our borders. I had come from a seven-year seminary indoctrination. Thankfully, Brother Antoninus (William Everson) had led me into the sphere of influence of the San Francisco Renaissance poets: Kenneth Rexroth, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Lew Welch, Lenore Kandel, Gary Snyder and later Jack Spicer -- to name the most prominent in my personal pantheon.
Bly introduced me to a very different style. I devoured Silence in a Snowy Field in the early Sixties. His deep image technique intrigued. That led me back to Pound and Williams and then George Oppen, who I had the good fortune to meet on Mt. Tamalpais. We became friends. His Imagist books made deep sense to me and imagery became central to my work. When Bly came out with The Light Around the Body with poems railing against the Vietnam War, I was on board. That the work won the National Book Award only cemented my admiration.
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Kinship Panel Tonight
Pt. Reyes Bookstore Zoom Session
Kinship Book Club #2
Wednesday, Jan. 12, 13022 (Western Slope Calendar)
I know a number of people wanted to tune into to tonight's panel discussion but weren't sure how to register, so here's the URL to get you there (you might have to copy and insert in browser on some machines)
Here's what Gavin Van Horn, one of the co-editors of the Kinship series, has suggested will be our format. "After introductions, I will offer some framing. What's the kinship series all about? For volume 2, why did the series focus on 'Place' as critical for kinship/kinning? etc."
- Lisa Maria Madera
- Enrique Salmon
- Lilian Pearce
- Aaron Abeyta
- Diane Wilson
- Devon Pena
- Art Goodtimes
- Curt Meine
The order of the evening zoom will be roughly as follows (times shown are PST -- those of you in MST (Denver) change 6 pm. times to 7 pm times):
1) 6:00-6:05pm – Stephen Sparks of Pt. Reyes Books welcomes
2) 6:05-6:15pm – Gavin offers some framing
3) 6:15-6:45pm – Book's writers and poets introductions and readings
4) 6:45-7:00pm+ – A conversation shaped by audience questions
Come join in and help shape the discussion.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
The Center for Humans and Nature will team up with Pt. Reyes Books to host a zoom discussion among editors and contributors to the second volume of their 5-volume book, Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations this Wednesday, January 12th at 7 p.m. MST (Denver).
Participants in the first Kinship Book Club discussion Dec. 8th, 13021 (Western Slope Calendar)Registration required.
I'll be reading a new performance version of my poem of place "Reinhabitation" which appears in the the second volume, Place, of Kinship: Belonging in a World of Relations.
I spent the first night alone
in the abandoned house
dropping acid
to see what I could see
outside myself
And I've spent the past
forty years inside
this acre of irrigated wetlands
learning itki's quandaries
How poplars gnawed down
to the roots by deer
grow stronger
Survive the drought
that kills the cherrytree
How native lacewings
encouraged in their spidery nests
love to feed on Canada thistle
And how some weeds harvested
before flowering and soaked
in drums of pond water makes
the stinkiest best compost tea
Each spring. Each fall
Wind before the clouds
whipping at the roofs
tossing gusts and ghastly turns
A neighbor crushed in her truck cab
by a snapped cottonwood on the highway
I've even learned
the litany of locals who called
this place home
Mex Snyder. Caroline Young
Ed & Grandma Foster
Planting rhubarb. Tending goats
And now paid for twice
Cloud Acre's been mine to husband
Siberian elms. Coyote willow
Forty-nine varieties of
heirloom spuds grown to seed
Two once-small children
Two grown and long gone children
Flocks of geese. Red-winged blackbirds
The occasional Great Blue Heron
Listening to this one place
Itki's names, itki's moods, itki's whispers
Listening has taught me more
about earth kinning
& the land's deepening wisdoms
than any text
Saturday, January 8, 2022
Another Western Slope jueju
Mount Tam just a-memory
Lone Cone disappeared in-clouds
"The-incredible whiteness of-winter"
Is amor-fati just code for-acceptance
of-the-given • Could neoliberalism just be
a-trickledown symptom of-Joycean triune
rebellion-from home country creed
The-scraped ice of-the-snowplows echoes
along-the-highway's uncomfortable truths
Why extend the-franchise to-the-hoi-polloi
say the-one percent born of-privilege
We're a-nation-state where privilege changes
screens like bitcoin anyway • A free-for-all capital
market frenzy where class is-bought sold
inherited or randomly pre-selected out-of-the-blue
Even the-middle-class apes the-haves • Just
tolerates the-have-nots • "Only a-percentage
of-the-eligible vote anyway," sneers McRedeye
shoveling their-driveway • "Let's
make itki a-privilege of-the-few
who care"
“Ki” is a grammatical neologism Indigenous science writer Robin Wall Kimmerer advocates using in place of “it”, “its”, “it’s” or “itself” to help correct English’s objectification of the world. As a pre-school teacher I learned that we learn by going through the known to the unknown. So instead of substituting “ki”, I’ve chosen to add the Indigenous neologism to our neutral English pronoun as a suffix, changing the way we speak of things in English from inanimate to animate, “itki.” The neologist term is harvested from the last syllable of a longer word in Potawatomi for an “earth being.” That syllable, “ki”, is itkiself a Bodéwadmimwen suffix meaning “from the living earth.”
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Western Slope Jueju
Here's a new poem in a new style "Western Slope Jueju" loosely based on the traditional Chinese jueju and the Sinophonic poetics/Yingelishi of Jonathan Stallings at the University of Oklahoma.
The abstract painting, "Backcountry Winter" by Karen Scharer of Pueblo (used with her permission) is one of the featured works at the Slate Gray Gallery at 209 E. Colorado Ave., Suite B, in Telluride, Colorado. The show runs from January 6th through January 31st. For more info, call 970.728.3777
Calderazzo: The One Year Anniversary
of the Trump Insurrection deserves this telling poem
by my good friend & professor emeritus John Calderazzo
of the Fort Collins area here in Colorado: