Participating in
a Unify Challenge in a few hours
Talking to an ideological stranger
as Molly Ostrem begins to build
a movement of the
Radical Middle
Itki got me to thinking
& reflecting on what our world
sent out into the Mystery on the Voyager
as well as the apocalypse happening
in the Ukraine even as I
write these words
One Brave and Startling Truth
“...When we come to ... the day of peacemaking
When we release our fingers from fists of hostility”
-Maya Angelou
I like to leave Maya’s words
hanging in the air
uncertain, unfulfilled as they are
Because at the moment of contact with the Mystery
illuminated in all itki’s Renaissance worldview with
Michaelangelo’s tagging on the ceiling of St. Peter’s
We ninja chimpanzees gone viral
may lay down our boards & commissions
super-sacraments & political parties
To build a culture of compassion
with someone like Joan Halifax
or the Dalai Lama as Secretary General