Art, I'll have Mr. Fuoco, who probably died years ago, arrange a limo at the corner of North and liquor store across First where fashion junkies hang and shout good lourd willin we'll work something out...! spend the night why doncha - we'll talk of Nacadoches and other places of things and feelings felt presently us old tejas with our ancient words blueberries viruses and galaxies above the stars all the way out to the James Webb Space Telescope just kick the tires a bit and have a look your bed is set glass of water and all
Yo Dano, well now pard, i’d prefer no coast sushi to north & liquor, only that fish haus don’t open till 11:30 & the fuoco boyz want my errant accord in at 10, so’s why doncha let me call itki in as text (tossed err roan) in time for a dispatch in spite of setbacks inside practice hurdles or looped in the folds of interlinear Nacadoches, teja tacos, blueberry virus & the tin foil telescope making itki’s webb way across our earthy orbit, dodging a plethora of unregulated disposable mini-sats from the private unregulated sector of this hypercapitalist solar system in this public unregulated democrazy we’ve kicked back into since the last atomic bomb & oh! in there can we plan a visit to wendalicous at some palisaditious recovery point & thank you yes i like my night water & a small bowl to expectorate the fluoride into & if itki’s okay to bring/buy some urine liners for the bed since i maintain a mildly leaky faucet & to let you know I need to sleepwalk out to the urinal every two or three hours through the night & maybe i’ll bring my heating pad since my challenged soles have taken a coastal dislike to cold & also will have the bipap apparati, my basket of weaving, a set of teeth tools & the 50+ pills i need to take morning & evening, but all this only if there’s connectivity somewhere there in fruitocrazy so i can make my telepathic health visit with head team doc linder at 10:30 am thor's day & get back in time to snorwood or maybe stay late there to catch the to-hell-you-ride institute presentato (rhyming with potato) of Indigenous literary elder Linda Hogan with my attendancing obligatory as a TI “trustee emeritus” (they won’t let go!) ... which is to say, maybe but unlikely overnight, just a 10 to 5 hop that wed nez pierced day & even then itki’s a drive in the dark but if i go via montrovia can do some needed double-time non-amazonian bucket short list purchases from my closest big box supply chain ... phew! ... as in the knot few view
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